Start Your

Amazing Birth Journey

In-Person and Virtual Birth Classes
Serving Lakeway, Texas and Surrounding Areas

Birth Classes Customized to Fit Your Birth Journey

Discover how you and your birth partner can have an amazing pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding experience together!

My In-person and Virtual Classes are perfect for:

  • Expecting Couples.

  • Those having a Hospital, Birth Center, or Home Birth.

  • Those wanting to have a happy & healthy pregnancy.

  • Those that are preparing for a VBAC.

  • Those that want to be confident and prepared to make informed decisions about their birth.

  • Those that are wanting to learn how to work with their partner to bring their baby into the world as a team.

About Birth Boot Camp®

Birth Boot Camp® specializes in preparing couples for an amazing birth and breastfeeding experience. Our incredible birth classes provide up-to-date information to expecting parents to empower them to make educated choices throughout pregnancy, labor, and beyond! 


  1. You CAN have an amazing birth and breastfeeding experience!

  2. Couples can work together and grow closer through childbirth education.

  3. Learning to relax both mentally, emotionally and physically is an important skill needed for birth. Practice helps!

  4. Nutrition, exercise, preparation, knowledge, and support are an integral part of having a wonderful birth experience.

  5. Your support team matters! Your childbirth educator and doula are an imperative part of this team.

  6. A professional and trained doula can improve your birth experience.

  7. Breastfeeding is the best start for you and your baby. Education is key to getting off on the right foot.

Why is it called Birth
Boot Camp?

The day someone gives birth should be one of the most amazing, memorable days in their lives. It is worth investing time, energy, and money in working hard to prepare for this big day.

We believe in putting forth the effort to be fully prepared for birth, postpartum, breastfeeding, and parenting.

How is Birth Boot Camp different than other Childbirth Classes?

  • Birth Boot Camp Classes are up-to-date, comprehensive, and evidence-based.

  • Birth Boot Camp is not a method. We focus on preparing both moms AND dads to learn how to work together as a team.

  • Your class experience with me will leave you and your partner feeling confident and prepared on all levels — physically, mentally, and emotionally.

  • Each client receives a full-color workbook along with their class and it is a treasure trove of information, personalized activities, tips, and take home work. The workbook helps you go home after class and continue learning, practicing, and preparing for your best birth experience.

Your Birth Journey Starts Here

Choose Your Birth Class

  • Comprehensive Birth Class


    • Are you a first time parent?

    • Considering a natural birth? Or are you wanting to go as long as possible before you get an epidural?

    •Planning to have a VBAC?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the class for you!

  • Hospital Birth Class


    Are you planning to birth in the hospital, but want more than the class at your local hospital?

  • Home & Birth Center Birth Class


    Are you planning to give birth at home or a birth center?

    This class is designed with you in mind.

  • Reboot Refresher Class


    • Is this your second, third, or fourth birth?

    • Did you take a birth class with your previous birth?

    • Do you want a little refresher an fine tune your relaxation skills with your partner?

  • Basic Training Birth Class


    • Do you have a super busy schedule?

    • Do you only want a 1-Day Class?

  • Comfort Measures Workshop


    • Are you wanting more comfort measures and relaxation skills?

    • Do you want to build more confidence with your partner for the big day?

  • Life With Your New Baby Workshop


    • Are you a first time parent?

    • Are you wanting to start parenthood with a great start?

    This class also pairs perfectly with those taking the Hospital Birth Class or the Home & Birth Center Birth Class.

  • Siblings-at-Birth Class


    • Is this your second, third, or fourth birth?

    • Are you wanting your child(ren) to be prepared for the birth of their sibling?