Comprehensive Birth Class.

Dive into a transformative 10-session series that equips you and your birth partner with holistic preparation for every aspect of childbirth. From nuturing a healthy pregnancy with exercise and nutrition to mastering relaxation techniques and delving into the intricacies of labor and birth, this comprehensive class covers it all.

Gain confidence and empowerment needed to navigate pregnancy, labor, and beyond with knowledge and practical tools at your fingertips. Join me and embark on the path to an amazing birth experience, no matter where you choose to welcome your little one into the world.

Expecting couple holding hands and sharing a moment of connection in front of a brick wall.

This class includes it all!

  • Group of expecting parents sitting in a classroom, listening to the childbirth instructor during a Birth Boot Camp Comprehensive Birth Class.

    CLASS 1 - Why Natural Birth?

    Discover the benefits of natural birth for you, your baby, and your partner. Learn effective natural pain management techniques for labor and understand how common childbirth drugs can impact your experience. This session equips you with the knowledge to make informed choices for a natural and empowered birth.

  • Expecting couples doing prenatal birth preparation exercises at a comprehensive birth class.

    CLASS 2 - Preparing Your Body and Mind

    Get ready for labor by learning how to properly tone the muscles you’ll need for birth. We’ll cover essential nutrtition for a healthy pregnancy and guide you through mental preparation with relaxation exercises. This class gives you a solid foundation to stay healthy, strong, and as low-risk as possible throughout your pregnancy.

  • An expecting mom laboring in a bathtub being supported by a support person during childbirth.

    CLASS 3 - Choosing Your Birth Team and Place

    Learn how to choose the right birthplace, care provider, and doula, and what questions to ask. You’ll understand that while your birth team impacts your experience, you are the one in charge of you birth.

  • Expecting mom at the doctors office talking to a female obgyn.

    CLASS 4 - Final Preparations For Your Birth

    You have been preparing your body and mind for an unmedicated, intervention-free birth. Learn about tests and procedures that are often offered in the last few weeks of pregnancy and how they can impact your birth. Knowing what is standard protocol for your care provider - and deciding beforehand how you both feel about it - will empower you to make informed decisions for the rest of your pregnancy.

  • Expecting parents practicing childbirth labor comfort techniques at a birth class.

    CLASS 5 - Understanding and Navigating Labor

    You’ll learn what to expect during labor, reducing fear for both you and your partner. We’ll cover the different phases of labor, what’s likely to happen physically and mentally, and effective coping skills and techniques.

  • Pregnant mother with her partner practicing comfort measure technique in childbirth class.

    CLASS 6 - Mom's Most Important Ally

    Partners will learn practical tools and techniques to support mom during labor, including labor positions and their benefits. This is the most important class for partners, but moms will also discover effectie and unique coping strategies for labor. Anyone invited to your birth - whether it’s your mom, sister, or best friend - is encouraged to attend and learn how they can best support you.

  • Mom holding baby in a bathtub after having a natural water birth at home.

    CLASS 7 - Bringing Your Baby Into The World

    This session focuses on the pivotal second and third stages of labor. You’ll learn effective pushing positions, explore water birth options, and discover optimal positioning for both mom and baby. We’ll help you replace any fear with joy and anticipation of finally meeting your baby for the very first time.

  • Mom smiling while holding newborn baby just after giving birth at a hospital.

    CLASS 8 - Making Informed Birth Decisions

    Putting everything you’ve learned into practice by exploring variations of labor and how to navigate unexpected circumstances that may arise during birth. You’ll also learn strategies to avoid a cesarean section and understand when it might be truly necessary.

  • Newborn baby yawning swaddled in a white blanket after being born.

    CLASS 9 - Making a Plan for Birth and the Immediate Postpartum Period

    Learn how to create a clear and effective birth and postpartum plan that will be taken seriously by your birth team. Whether you’re birthing at home, a birth center, or a hospital, deciding what you want, knowing your options, and communicating with your partner and care provider is paramount.

  • Happy mom and dad lovingly cuddle with newborn baby.

    CLASS 10 - Life with Your New Baby

    Your new baby comes with its own special needs. This class is your manual! Enjoy those early days and weeks by learning techniques that will enhance bonding and make the transition to parenthood easier and more enjoyable.

This class also includes complementary free access to
The Birth Boot Camp Breastfeeding Class

Mom breastfeeding baby.

Our Online Breastfeeding Class taught by IBCLC Mellanie Sheppard and designed to help you have a successful nursing relationship.

This class includes:

  • Expert Advice

  • Specific instructions on how to breastfeed

  • Tips on how to properly latch and prevent nursing pain

  • How to know if your baby is getting enough milk

  • Troubleshooting problems

  • Information on returning to work and pumping your milk

  • Nursing in public with confidence

  • And much more!

“Melanie was an excellent birth instructor! My husband and I attended her class and learned so much about our upcoming birth. I highly recommend Melanie for an in-depth look at birthing best practices and tips for the process. Thanks, Melanie!”

— Pauline

Mom and Dad happily hold baby.


Birth Boot Camp Comprehensive Birth Class


In-Person Group Classes: $450
In-Person Private Classes: $650
Virtual Online Classes: $450

What’s Included with In-Person Classes?

When you join my In-Person Comprehensive Birth Class, you’ll receive:

  • 10 In-Depth Sessions:
    Each session runs approximately 2.5 hours, giving you plently of time to dive deep into each topic, ask questions, and practice techniques.

  • Comprehensive Class Workbook:
    You’ll receive the Birth Boot Camp Comprehensive Class Workbook, filled with essential information and practical tools to guide you through your entire pregnancy, birth, and postpartum journey.

  • Complementary Free Access to the Birth Boot Camp Online Breastfeeding Class:
    In addition to my in-person sessions, you’ll get access to the Birth Boot Camp Online Breastfeeding Class, taught by IBCLC Mellanie Sheppard. This ensures you’re fully prepared to start your breastfeeding journey with confidence.

  • Flexible Class Locations:
    My in-person group classes are taught in Lakeway at Bump & Beyond Chiropractic and Wellness (1017 Ranch Rd 620, Suite 101, Lakeway Tx), providing a comfortable and convenient setting for you to learn.
    Prefer something more private?
    Schedule a private class to be taught in the comfort of your own home.

  • Online Make-Up Classes:
    Life happens. Should something unexpected arise and you can’t make it to class, you’ll have the option to make-up 2 classes online so you won’t miss out on any critical information.

What’s Included with Virtual Online Classes?

  • 10 Birth Boot Camp Comprehensive Online Classes:
    Featuring professionally filmed and edited sessions that include closed captioning for accessibility. Watch at your own pace from the comfort of your home.

  • Complementary Free Access to Birth Boot Camp Online Breastfeeding Class taught by IBCLC Mellanie Sheppard

  • 12 Months of Unlimited Access:
    Enjoy full access to all your online classes for an entire year, so you can revisit and review the content whenever you need it.

  • Weekly 1-Hour Meetings with Melanie:
    Connect with me via Google Meet for 10 weekly one-hour meetings. During these live sessions, I’ll answer all your questions, practice techniques, and help you dive deeper into important topics tailored to your needs.

  • Class Kit Mailed to You that Includes Your Class Workbook and All Your Class Tools You’ll Need.

“The videos in class gave us reassurance that we were not on some pilgrimage to pull off something no one had ever done before. It was great to hear that others had not only done it, but instinctually did it well. I’m very grateful our midwife recommended Birth Boot Camp for us to take.”

— Ashton

Not sure if this is the right class for you or have questions?